Prevention is the best defense when it comes to house fires and commercial fires. This is why today, we have come up with a simple checklist to help you avoid fire and smoke damage. Protecting your home or business from fire and smoke damage is paramount. Our simple checklist offers practical steps to safeguard your space, ensuring your safety and the preservation of your property. Take these proactive measures to mitigate risks effectively.
Here is our simple checklist that will help you avoid fire and smoke damage in your home and business.
- Check the batteries in your fire alarms, test the units, and replace the expired ones
- Check the batteries in your carbon monoxide alarms, test the units, and replace the expired ones
- Test all fire extinguishers, replace the expired ones, and make sure that access is easy and unobstructed
- Clean the fireplaces and the chimneys
- Clean the furnaces
- Clean the dryer vents
- Test, clean, and maintain heaters as required
- Test all windows for correct opening and closing
- Unplug all unused electrical items
- Check the lengths of all electrical cables and wires for damage or exposure and replace them accordingly.
- Check for overloaded electrical outlets and remove excess power loads.
- Check electrical outlets for damage or heating, and replace them accordingly
- Store batteries and other combustible items in a safe place (ideally a fireproof cabinet)
- Ensure that flammable materials and combustible items are away from electrical panels, outlets, heaters, fire sources, and other fire hazards
- Ensure that your house number is visible from the street for first responders to find your home in an emergency easily
Electrical responsibility
- For additional safety of human life and to protect your home and loved ones, check out the following points.
- Create an emergency contact list, distribute it among the household, and display a copy in your main living area
- Create an unobstructed escape route, evacuation plan, and a list of actions, including separate day and night procedures (practice evacuation drills every season)
Keep Flammable Materials Secure
Store flammable materials such as gasoline, propane, and paint in a well-ventilated area away from heat sources and ignition points. Use approved containers and follow proper storage guidelines to minimize the risk of accidental fires.
Maintain Heating Equipment
Heating appliances, including furnaces, fireplaces, and space heaters, should be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure safe operation. Clean chimneys and flues annually, and never leave heating devices unattended while in use.
Practice Safe Cooking Habits
Cooking-related fires are a leading cause of residential fires. Never leave cooking appliances unattended while in use, and keep flammable materials such as kitchen towels and curtains away from heat sources. Install a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and learn how to use it effectively.
Secure Smoking Materials
If smoking is permitted on your property, provide designated smoking areas equipped with fireproof receptacles for cigarette butts and ash. Discourage smoking indoors or near flammable materials, and never dispose of smoking materials in planters or mulch.
Regularly Clean Dryer Vents
Lint buildup in dryer vents can pose a fire hazard. Clean dryer vents regularly to remove lint and debris accumulation. Ensure that dryer vents are properly installed and vented to the exterior of the building to prevent the buildup of flammable gases.
For additional safety of human life and to protect your home and loved ones, check the following points.
- Create an emergency contact list, distribute it among the household, and display a copy in your main living area
- Create an unobstructed escape route, evacuation plan, and a list of actions, including separate day and night procedures (practice evacuation drills every season)
This checklist is a simple yet effective one that can help avoid fire and smoke damage. Of course, you can do plenty of other things, which we can discuss another time in a more comprehensive list.
For now, make sure you tick everything above and call Major Restoration with any questions or for help with fire and smoke damage restoration services in case of any unfortunate events.
If you want to learn more about avoiding fire and smoke damage or about our comprehensive restoration services, please visit our website today.